Fair Trade means producers would receive a fair price for their product and labour, provide them with healthy and safe working conditions, and improve their living standard. 是指生产者能以一个合理价钱售卖其产品,提供一个安全的工作环境予劳工并提升劳工及生产者的生活质素。
A consumer shall have the right to fair terms of trade and conditions such as quality guarantee, reasonable price, accurate measures, etc, when purchasing a commodity or receiving a service, and shall have the right to reject coercive transactions by business operators. 消费者在购买商品或者接受服务时,有权获得质量保障、价格合理、计量正确等公平交易条件,有权拒绝经营者的强制交易行为。
The measures complement earlier plans almost to double the supply of 16 food staples and expand the remit of the Fair Trade Commission to combat price fixing. 此前韩国已经宣布相关计划,近乎将16种主要食品的供应量翻倍,并扩大了韩国公平交易委员会(fairtradecommission)的职权范围以打击价格操纵。
Essentially, fair value measurement enhances fair trade and reflects the market price measurement basis, which solves the problem of accounting information relevance and timeliness. 本质上公允价值计量属性强调公平交易,体现市价计量基础,可以很好地解决会计信息的相关性和及时性问题。
Therefore, even if cotton prices in 2010 do not look so "fair", but as long as voluntary if the buyers and sellers to trade in an active market, the price to be determined to be fair value. 因此,即使棉花价格在2010年看上去不那么公允,但只要要是买卖双方自愿在活跃市场上进行交易的价格,就可以认定为是公允价值。